Sunday, April 17, 2011

Campus: Piling it on?

Not having had a TV or proper internet for a little while, the airing of Campus, the new brainchild of Victoria Pile and Co. on Channel 4 completely passed me by. I remember that there was a pilot a while back that I watched but didn't pay much attention to: regardless, I got rather excited about watching the series which I now knew was one of Pile's creations.
I watched the first episode with delicious anticipation of what this woman could create, but found myself well... Not that impressed. I haven't given up yet though - I seem to remember hazily that Green Wing on first watch was fairly confusing - it is often the way with such a large ensemble cast. I think it will be a grower - the VC guy is very reminiscent of a 10 x weirder David Brent, in a way, and some of the younger members of the cast have a very similar rapport with each other as in Green Wing - there were definitely some moments to rival those of Guy Secretan and Dr McCartney. I can't help but feel that it is a tad too similar, though, evem the music has the same sort of feel to it, and I did find myself tuning out at some points during the episode.

It definitely has a lot of potential though, especially the crudeness (I know that it received some criticism for this, but I LIKE IT), and the woman walking around making disgusting notes into her Dictaphone. We shall see if it picks up momentum and has any kind of cohesive plot. 6.5/10.

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