Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Top 7 Mash-Ups

I love mash-ups. One of my favourite pastimes is to trawl music blogs to see if I can find ones I haven't yet come across (cool, I know), but if you dig through all the crap, there is some talent out there. Theese are my favourites. The links mostly go to HypeMachine where you can listen and then download an mp3 if you so wish.

I love M.I.A.'s funky raps, I love Mylo's lush synths and Mylo just makes her more upbeat and summery. 

This is just amazing - such a ridiculous juxtaposition of songs - "tweetly tweet -" and bam, Kurt Cobain's gravelly voice cuts in and it gets all kind of amazing. Go Home Productions is a master of mash-ups.

One of Modest Mouse's finest songs, and I didn't think it was possible for it to sound cooler... But it is.

This is amazing, it not for the fact that I know the first verse of 'I Wish' - also for the fact that these songs seem made for each other - and then for the suspense when the rhythm guitar kicks in after the bass on 'Cannonball'.

For anyone who found the Christina original a bit abrasive, this is much more fun and danceable.

Two classic rock soon which mesh perfectly together. And we still get to hear Debbie Harry's amazing rapping.

There's just a touch of DC at the beginning, but as Dolly Parton fades away to Royksopp there is a definite feeling of dreamy euphoria - perhaps not a mash-up in the sense that the rest of these have been, but still brilliant - perhaps better listened to in the whole album context, but it works for me.

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