Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Awkward Things That Happen in Life: Part II

I wrote a thing about awkward things that happen in life. Here is part I.

The second installment - just as awkward, if not more so. This will be less listy. Because I got bored of making lists. If you would like to read the first one, click here (Ahem, I only just noticed I did not in fact link this).
Like when you accidentally make eye-contact on the tube. And again. And then again because you're trying to work out who was looking at who (he was definitely looking at me, I was looking back to check he wasn't looking still).
Oh, and when someone really weird gets on and starts muttering to themselves.You actually look around and make purposeful eye contact. And maybe even talk ('who does he think he is - we're united grumpy commuters for once)! And afterwards, you remember where you are and bury yourself in your Metro.
Another tricky one is bumping into someone you know and then saying bye, and seeing them again in every aisle - and doing the awkward, oop, it's you again (but you don't have anything else to say to them, so you just have to sort of smile apologetically, hold up your frozen pizza and shrug your shoulders... And then you promptly start walking the same way. God, the horror.
Also, let us just reflect on the pub - so many potential awkward situations. Like one person gets their phone out to check it in the middle of a conversation and suddenly everyone has the burning desire to check theirs - five-minute silence ensues.Why do we now have nothing to talk about? Oh, I know, let's 'check in' to this pub and comment on our mate's post. It happens, I've seen it with my own eyes. 
And lastly - forgetting someone's name after five minutes. You could still smile apologetically and admit you've forgotten their name, but you're desperately trying to remember it, and it gets more unacceptable to say it, and before you know it, it's the third time you've met them and every time you want to attract their attention, you just sort of have to prefix everything you say to them with 'um', and tap them on the shoulder. And it's sooo obvious to everyone what you're doing (yes, even them)... 

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